
Stylish Spectacles with Fairy Specs #AD

If you follow my blog you will know Erin has had glasses since she was two with a brief gap in the middle where she had a squint operation. I was quite heartbroken that she was due to wear glasses. But now we love them, they make Erin who she is and we love to have different styles for her to wear.

Fairy Specs are an amazing company based in Ireland who have style and little people in mind. We have been gifted some of the absolutely gorgeous Purple Dazzle Frames in exchange for an honest review.

As a young girl with Glasses Erin always used to pick themed Frames such as Disney or cute ones for little girls but there is a huge gap in the market at local opticians for girls who aren’t adult frame wearers but want something more grown up and stylish.

We couldn’t find any she liked and the ones she has ended up getting are bulky and quite dark, don’t get me wrong they don’t look bad but with her blonde hair, if she is wearing something more delicate than her school uniform at the weekend her glasses don’t look quite right.

I came across Fairy Specs on instagram and had seen how stunning the frames they have are. They are not only delicate but they are also stylish and perfect for little girls as they have such gorgeous little touches like flecks of glitter and lovely colour pallets.

All you have to do is order the frames you like from Fairy Specs and then take them to your local opticians- ours is Specsavers and ask them to put your child’s prescription into the frames. This cost me £39 but I pay £250 for my glasses so I think it’s all relative. Once the lenses are in they are good to go.

As the glasses from Fairy Specs are made for little heads I would advise you to measure your little ones current glasses to ensure they will fit.

Erin has loved her glasses and has said she wants all of the designs. They are perfect with lighter and more delicate clothing rather than darker heavy winter clothing so perfect for the summer months we have coming up.

The Frames themselves are sturdy and well made, they are up to dates with the latest styles and fashions which is great as it leaves “the old NHS” format glasses in the past!

We will definitely always be using the Fairy Specs in the future as we love the styles and colours. The flecks is glitter are so pretty all little glasses wearers will be desperate to get their hands on them.