7 months pregnancy update
I am sorry I haven’t updated you all in ages I have been a bit useless! I am currently 33 weeks pregnant so 7.5 months!! Arghh how scary is that. This pregnancy literally seems to have flown by. I remember with Erin every minute dragging!
We’re on the straight and narrow now and with only 7 weeks until Christmas means I’m getting excited about prepping for that and makes me a whole lot closer to meeting my gorgeous girlie.
Erin is so excited and we had an amazing half term together, thankfully we were able to do lots of things together despite me being in pain with my pelvis.
Unfortunately I have SPD and where I broke my pelvis 8 years ago it’s really aching and her head is so far down she’s putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis but we’re cracking on with it and seeing an Oesteopath which is helping.
I also break up from work this week which I’m not going to lie I can’t wait for. I have so much I want to do at home it’s untrue before she’s here.
Matthew and I have also Decided to do hypnobirthing so we are doing a video a night at the moment work permitting for Matthew. But I am really enjoying it and hope it all works out.
Compared to my pregnancy with Erin my bump is so solid! She has been head down since August and her back and bum are mostly against my stomach. It’s really nice to feel her daily kicks and hiccups and brings my previous pregnancy flooding back!
Everything has been pretty good in my pregnancy so far, the only thing other than my pelvis I am really struggling with is sleep! I have a period of between 2am and 5am where I am wide awake! I also wake up with a dead arm which lasts half a day (from my expert googling seems like carpel tunnel) but it’s nothing I can’t deal with anyway 🙂 would just love some sleep back! So any hints or tips let me know!
Do you think it’s now time to start placing our bets?! Matt is going with 22nd Dec, Erin wants 25th!!!!! And I’m convinced it will be 11th January as everyone seems to be late at the moment!! My actual due date is 31st December. So let me know your guesses!