
The benefits of Lockdown Life

Last night got me thinking, yes it does seem like the days go on forever when your willing it to be the kids bedtime, but how the heck is it the first of May?!! I have been sat thinking about all the good things to come out of this, alongside the bad.

The good things are more frequent than I actually thought they were. Yes there are some absolutely horrendous bad things, the illness, the deaths, the lack of seeing family and friends but the amount of bad things are small but severe. The good things seem to be more frequent and smaller…. well in this house anyway.

My Hair- Yes I’m greyer than a badger and I am desperate for a a colour on my roots but actually I have taken the time to really look after my hair and condition it with a mask once a week, I would never have done that before! I have also found ways to do my hair without heat like french plaiting with slightly damp hair makes lush loose waves.

My face- Well If you spoke to my beautician Sarah she would squirm if you asked her my nightly routine and daily for that matter!!! I used to baby wipe make up off my face and never moisturise. I now am a slave to my facial wellbeing!! And yes… I can actually see a massive difference. I have been toning, cleansing, moisturising, using serum, masks, eye creams! You name it I have done it!!

My Nails- For as long as I can remember (probably the last 5 years) I have had shellac on my nails, It has never damaged my nails but It is probably time they had a bit of a break! So I have been painting them at home, This also means I don’t need to have a fit when I have a week without nail varnish…. yes what a prat I am!!!

One of the things that has gone down hill is my sleep routine. Which tonight will be changing. I used to be asleep by 10pm and now because I have Matt at home to share lie ins with me I am going to bed a lot later! And also staying up to book food delivery slots for the whole family as we are all sorting vulnerable people. So I definitely need to work on that, I need to find a book that grips me so I go to sleep quicker rather than watching Tv all night.

Food- I have actually started meal planning properly, using everything in the freezer and tried new things. I have always been a bit useless when trying new things yet I tried some risotto the other day and liked it, It is now going to be on the list of things I would eat for dinner. I have also been making sausage rolls and trying to cook a bit more so that is also definitely a plus.

My Blog and social media’s- Well I am actually putting the effort in to write again, and I am actually enjoying the outlet again which is lovely, I have been daily posting on my instagram which is unheard of!!! And I hit 4000 followers this week, so I am really pleased! It seems like it has been coming forever!!!

Lastly I have been more creative around Erins birthday and thought of some amazing ways to have her birthday in lockdown which is actually only next week!! How scary is that- I have an 8 year old next week! but I will be going into that on a separate post to give you inspiration if you have little ones! Since finishing this post I have thought of loads more things that are great… saving money…. exercise and walking…. helping people out…. saying hello to everyone on walks… but we don’t have 50 years to hear my go on and on!! What’s your benefit of Lockdown life?