
Tale as old as time- Not so old anymore! 

Disney is a big love of Erin, Matt, and mine. I love the place, the films, literally everything to do with Disney makes me happen. I even got engaged in Disney World.

As a child I was forever watching all the old classics- Sleeping beauty, Cinderella, The little Mermaid. Erin has also been watching these since she was old enough to understand and enjoy them.

Disney have recently thrown a curve ball at us and started to re make the old classics- with humans not cartoons. At first I wasn’t sure about the concept and feared they would ruin the films.

Cinderella was the first to be remade and I got all excited and wanted to see it at the cinema. I really enjoyed the film but there were a lot of differences from the original within the storyline- to the point where it was quite upsetting and I cried! I’m glad I didn’t take Erin (she was too young at the time). I came out relatively happy with the remake.

Jungle book was the next to be remade- I wasn’t worried about going to see it and ended up hearing everyone say it was fab. It came on tv on Christmas Day and I caught over half of it. It was really good but again a little scary for children and a much more adult rendition.

Beauty and the beast… the most recent remake has got people so excited and Disney World is full of paraphernalia. The new beauty and the beast film had people buying merchandise and seemed to get the kids much more involved. As Erin was nearly 5 I thought it would be a good time to introduce her to the remakes. We booked to see the film on the day it came out and we were all excited. I sat in the cinema enjoying the film- not as much as I thought I would as the original is my favourite. Nevertheless it was great. Even Erin enjoyed it. It was different from the original but I think that’s how it gets away with being remade.

Are Disney going to remake all the classics? Do they need to be remade? I don’t even know how they would even start with The little mermaid!!  I can’t decide whether it is the right idea for Disney, especially as they are changing all the classic dresses to something slightly different. Especially if kids see the remakes and then visit Disney and see the the princesses resemble the cartoon version not the “real life” version.

Do you think the remakes are a good idea?