
Saving Money and Time! 

A few weeks ago Matthew came home and announced that he was no longer “spending a fortune” in Co-op! When we looked into it we were “popping to the shop” every few days an spending £15-£30 a time!!!! We knew we had to stop this habit and complete proper food shopping.

I shopped around and managed to get a Sainsbury’s online shop with discounts and nectar points! The shop cost us £70 with discounts. This gave us enough food for two weeks as I had planned slow cooker meals with all the ingredients. 

This worked really well and we have been eating healthy meals that are able to cooked whilst I’m at work. I have since done a “top up” shop which came to £69 with Sainsbury’s as they then gave me more vouchers for the next couple of months. Again I did meal plans for us to stick to and ensuring they are healthy for the next two weeks! That will be a whole month with £130 worth of food for 3 of us! I think that’s pretty good! There are so many other ways to save money in a month not just on food including visiting Gratisfaction Uk– they have loads of great offers to ensure you too can save money and put it towards things you want!