Solution to Skin Problems with Infacare!
All you hear about nowadays is skin conditions and allergies- I’m sure when I was younger half of the skin conditions didn’t exist!!
For those who have got skin conditions I have been trying to find a miracle bubble bath. Baths without bubbles are just a bore!!
Both Maisie and Erin both have eczema and Maisie suffers quite badly, so when I was offered Infacare to try I jumped at the chance- Infacare is specially designed for babies with sensitive skin and specifically PH balanced and ultra mild but ensures you still get zillions of long lasting bubbles- which is what makes bath time fun!! Yay!
It comes in 400ml and 700ml bottles and you can purchase it has most leading high street stores including but not limited to Boots, Asda, Lloyds Pharmacy, Sainsburys and Wilkinsons for £2 upwards. For more information go to
They have won three awards including Mother and Baby award which is tested by real mums and babies!
We bath Erin and Maisie in our Belfast Sink as its much easier than using the full bath when they are so little and much better for my back!! When we tested Infacare bubble bath I was pleasantly surprised at how little I had to use to enable the bath to be full of bubbles! It also smelt really nice and was subtle. Erin is our head of splashing which normally means that the bubbles disappear pretty quickly but Infacare passed her test and stayed around for the whole of her bath! When she got out she felt really soft and not at all dry which sometimes is an issue with other bubble baths we have used, it didn’t flare up ezcema but actually called it! And my hands also felt wonderful! We really liked the product and it will now forever be an item on my shopping list!