I have fallen out of love…
My plan was to move into my stunning new house with a beautiful new office and become a blogger extraordinaire.
Like that was going to bloody happen. In fact with all the upheaval with moving I have fallen out of love with my blog. Even more so vlogging.
At Christmas I did VLOGMAS and it was great. I was able to film and upload within a day and have the stress of Christmas. Now I can’t even edit a video together in a month. What the hells wrong with me?!
I started blogging 3 years ago now and have had goals to achieve. I am still trying to achieve these goals. Long ago I vowed that blogging is one of those things that I want to succeed at. I have never really succeeded at a lot of things. But my blog is solely mine. And I am able to control its destiny.
When I have had zero motivation at the moment and lost my blogging Mojo. The complete opposite of what I wanted to happen! Life has got in the way. But I don’t want this post to be a woe is me post. Because a kick up the bottom was when my DA dropped and my Tots score went from 249 to 368!!! I was mad!!! But it’s given me that boost. I just need to put the boost into motion.
The lack of bloody wifi in the new house is also making life hard as I only have my phone to blog on. So I am praying that I am going to get my shit sorted by 3rd May. (Wifi day!! Whooopppp) get some posts going and get my blog back to where it should be. I will succeed at this I just need to put my all into it. I love blogging and it really helps with everything- it’s bloody hard work but worth it.
Silly Me I am currently sat blogging and not using the snazzy office!!! (Fail!!!)