
Growing up doesn’t mean habits need to change! #SimilacReview #Britmums #ad

When it was time for Maisie to weaned onto cows milk, we hit a stumbling block- no one could get her to drink it! Luckily for us she was able to have Growing up Milk as we were concerned she wouldn’t be able to get the goodness from Milk that she needed. When Similac and Britmums asked us to review their Growing up Milk for 1-3 years old, I knew we would be ideal candidates.
Considering Maisie was picky about drinking cows milk or formula she took to Similac like water off a ducks back, there were no reactions any different to her other growing up formulas. This is great especially as I feared that trying a new formula may be a testing time. Thankfully it was anything but and she really liked it.

Preparing formula can sometimes be a nightmare so I was pleased when Similac was very few steps to ensure the product is made correctly. The steps include:

  • Wash hands and equipment first 
  • Measure 180ml of cool boiled water into a beaker 
  • Fill the scoop (provided)  with powder and level with a knife 
  • Add 3 scoops of powder to the water 
  • Place cap on beaker and shake well until dissolved
  • Serve at room temperature or warm (testing the temp on your skin first)

When choosing to give your little one growing up milk it’s a decision to ensure that they get enough vitamins and minerals to support growth and the immune system. My main reason for choosing Growing up Milk was to ensure that she was supported in both physical growth and brain development and to ensure she got enough calcium as she wouldn’t drink cows milk. The other great thing about growing up milk is that it supports the immune system with vitamins A and C which was perfect for Maisie when she attends nursery to fight off the bugs! All of these factors reassured me that when she played with Erin she would be able to fight off any germs she had brought home from school and that her growth would be supported by the ingredients of the milk.

When we received the milk one thing that stuck out to me was the packaging- it gave me a feeling of being a top quality product and didn’t look or feel cheap. The tin is durable with a lid that’s easy to come off especially when trying to balance a toddler on your hip!! I also like that the packaging is tin and can’t get damp like similar products I have used before- the milk always gets ruined if you put it under the sink or in a cupboard snd somethng happens to get damp.

When looking at the facts of Similac milk I was able to clearly read the detailed documents that were sent with the milk. One thing I loved about the document was the fact it told you how the milk was sourced “from field to formula” it really helps ensure your making the best decision for your little one.

I would definately use Similac Growing up milk again as it gives me everything I would need from a growing up milk and is a good price point at £14.00 (available in Boots)  I would  recommend this product to other mums as I have confidence in the fact that it will support Maisie’s growth and immune system ready for her to start nursery and school. 

I have been sponsored by Similac to try Similac Follow On Milk/Growing Up Milk and write about it on my blog. All opinions are my own.

Important notice: Breastfeeding is best for babies and is recommended for as long as possible during infancy. Breastfeeding provides many benefits to both mother and baby. It is difficult to reverse the decision not to breastfeed. We recommend that you speak to your healthcare professional for advice on how to feed your baby.