
The Future of Baby Wipes!


What piece of advice can I give people with little ones? Well my biggest piece of advice is Always carry baby wipes… I think I will carry them for the rest of my life!!! For example we are in the car on Sunday and I turn around and Erin has dropped an entire pot of jelly on the car seat and is crying telling me she’s sorry and that I need to clean it NOW! I am unable to wait until the car stops apparently!!!! Luckily I had the trusted baby wipes 🙂 There are so many other things they are great for including dirty faces, dirty bottoms, cleaning the house 😉 and wiping grazed knees!
I have always tried several baby wipes and have a few go to brands when picking wipes, Johnson and Johnson have recently slipped to the top spot when they brought out their new and improved wipes that have many fantastic features including ‘Dispense one at a time’ Amen to Johnsons…. How many times have I been pulling out wipes and realised I have a string of ten…baby in one arm and just had to waste them as they wouldn’t come apart!!!


My Eyes lit up when I was offered the chance to review their two new packs of wipes- the extra sensitive and the gentle all over. Both packs are dispense one at a time and include 56 ‘no more tears’ wipes and have been Mumsnet Rated!  The packs are differentiated by colour- the extra sensitive have a yellow middle and are fragrance free, clinically proven to be as pure as water on the skin which is fantastic for Maisie as she has severe eczema- her eczema wasn’t aggravated by these wipes and she was happy when they were being used so they were pretty fab for her. The fact they are fragrance free is a big plus for me as I don’t like the smell of some baby wipes.


The Gentle all over wipes have a pink middle and are known for effectively cleaning every crevice of little ones skin and they did just that! Erin is so messy- she constantly has dinner around her mouth or sweets stuck to her fingers and these wipes were perfect for her and as they only let one wipe out at a time she was even trusted to get them out herself- which saves me a job!


Both of the wipes were really moist, alcohol and soap free and are hypoallergenic and Erin and I gave them a tear test as they are made from a cotton like fabric and they were really hard to pull apart so we knew they would be a tough wipe on stubborn stains (like jelly on the back of the car seats!!! Grrrr!!!)


You can purchase the new wipes from most supermarkets and chemists and they range from £1 to £1.50 dependant on offers all in all they are a really great product and we will definitely be buying them in future.