Did you love Fidget Spinners?? WIN A MOKURU!
You can buy MOKURU’s here. Or You can enter below to WIN one of your own! We have two to giveaway!
Has the fidget spinner craze hit your household yet?! It’s hit mine!!! Erin has two of them!
Thankfully I have not had to keep tabs on the fidget spinners recently as a new craze is slowly taking over! Although it’s also overtaking Matt and I too as it’s addictive!!!
We have been playing with the MOKURU- a fidget roller. The idea behind the roller is to do tricks see how many rolls you can get or can be played with others by trying to catch it! Much more fun than an actual fidget spinner!
There have been competitions in our house for how many rolls! Who can catch it at the other end and even attempting tricks. Erin mastered it pretty quickly and she’s only 5! The roller itself is made out of wood and has padded flat ends so it’s able to stand up!