
Smart Swimming with Baby to Love Smart Towel #AD

We have kindly been gifted the Baby to Love- Smart Baby towel in exchange for an honest review and today I am let you know exactly what we thought.

If you know us or you read my posts a lot you will know Edith is somewhat of a fidget! She crawls off at every available opportunity and isn’t small for her age. In fact at 8 months she’s nearly coming out of 9-12 month clothes! You will also know we are avid fans of water babies our swimming group.

A little insight to water babies- I go in the pool with Edith and Matthew waits on the side with a towel to whisk her off to get changed whilst I don’t freeze to death and am able to get my self changed too. Passing her from me to him normally ends up in Matt soaking himself whilst he tries to put a towel around Miss wriggly!

I thought the Baby to Love Smart Towel would be the answer to all of our problems and I was right!

The ingenious solution means that the towel goes around matts neck covering his body which enables him to have both hands free but not getting soaked at the same time! Which in turn also means that Matt hasn’t got to try and master a slippy baby and a towel. The towel is adjustable with velcro to fit all sizes and is also a great size at 41 X 43 inches.

Made of 100% Cotton, this towel is actually 2 towels stitched together. 2/3x as much absorbent as a regular towel. It is also extra soft and comfy.– Did you notice how all towels are made of 1 color? That is because towels are painted and not printed. With 2 colors in 1 towel you are able to have some variety in bath time!

The towel is suitable from Newborn and ensures it keeps little ones head warm with a hood feature.

We not only use this at swimming but we now also use it at bath time as it makes life so much more simple. We love how soft it is and the designs it comes in. It’s definitely been great for our swimming lessons and I think Matt is appreciating the dry clothes!!!

The towel costs £32.95 which I think is quite high for a towel which is my only negative but I think if you bought it from newborn it would definitely last so much longer than a standard baby towel so I suppose it has longevity in its pricing.

Overall we love the towel and it’s been a great addition to both bath time and our swimming lessons.