Showing 74 Result(s)

Does working part time make you a part time mum?

I have just dropped Erin for her first school trip, they had to be in school at normal time so I didn’t make any special arrangements with work, when I got to the playground I found that lots other mummies were waiting for the bus to leave to wave them off. I literally didn’t even …


Cure for Relux and Colic? A cranial Osteopath was my saviour!

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that Erin was a very sickly bubba. She has reflux. Silent reflux in fact which is where she was sick but most of the time just made a horrific noise. She still has it now and you can read all about it here; …


Elastoplast #Tearsintosmiles with Britmums

This post is an entry for the BritMums #TearsintoSmiles Challenge, sponsored by Elastoplast. When I was little my uncle used to walk along the edge of the cliffs in Wales holding the hood of my coat… to which my auntie would ask ‘why are you doing that’ he would respond with ‘she’s not ours …


Want glossy hair, soft skin? Yes so did I!!!! 

When we moved to our house I was very excited to find that the house was fitted with a water softener. What is one of these I hear you ask?! Great question I don’t actually know. The water in our taps is now “soft water” apart from our utility just incase Children under 9 months …


Glasses- I thought I was ok about it!

Today Erin and I had an appointment at the Optometrist at our local hospital. Her previous appointment they had confirmed they were worried about Erin’s long sighted vision. Erin has always had to go to hospitals about her eyes since we found her squint at the age of one. She’s very used to the rigmarole …


J’aime Les Français! After school clubs for kids! 

Erin started school in September and I was determined to ensure she never had to go to after school club or breakfast club as she had been pulled from every direction as a young child with my working hours and sharing her with her dad. I changed my working hours to 9.30-3pm and I was …


“Please keep me safe mummy”

Last night I tucked Erin into bed and she asked me to “make her safe”. I stopped and I thought why should this concern of a four year old? Why should my baby girl ever feel unsafe. I was heartbroken. I asked Erin why she felt unsafe and all she said was everyone’s gone there …


Dear Erin… you have been a shit!

Dear my beautiful baby girl… We are now in the second term at school and I thought things were so much better- I had just had your parents evening and it was fabulous. Yesterday at home you were being a shit… you didn’t listen and ignored most things I said. I put it down to …


Got a question? we ask Erin in ‘The Little one tag’

I have asked Erin a question set from ‘The little one tag’ I was tagged by Chilling With Lucas, Thank you Jenni. Erin’s very honest an open answers to the questions are below; Here is the question set; What is the best thing about being 4? I can play whenever I want and eat sweetie’s!  What …


Ways to start Saving Money for when it matters most!

Saving Money… one of things that starts off well. I always think that I have better things to spend money on.  This year have had an overhaul of my ways that i can use to start saving money for next year. There are many ways that I am going to be saving money. All of …