Showing 17 Result(s)

Beauty Hacks For Busy Mums!

As a busy mum, it is often hard to find time for yourself when the kids need feeding and ferrying around and you have a million and one other things to do. So, it is not unusual for your beauty regime to take a backseat. If it’s something that is important to you though, you …


WIN- OYSTER Eye Cream! 

When you have children your eyes need looking after!! Not only do you use them with the new found super powers which means you see everything! But you will be shattered. Even if your kid is a good sleep trust me you will be tired. I am one of the lucky ones! Erin’s a good …


Hair Disaster to Hair Heaven with Salon Blue, Bridgnorth

I was asked by the lovely Emily of Salon Blue Hair Salon to guest post about my experience within the salon. A bit of back history to my hair. It’s crap. It’s frizzy and hard to control. I have always wanted the opposite of what I have and dreamed for years of subtle highlights. When …


Ladies… I found out a huge revelation…in life and clothing today!

Yesterday I got home and did the thing that everyone loves… took off my bra. Before i took it off i looked at myself in the mirror in disgust. The elastic in my bra had gone, it was ill fitting and i realised i brought it years ago. I can hear you all saying… your …


Boutique Beauties! 

Today my friend and I went to Bridgnorth, Shropshire for a wander around, feed the ducks and go to the park with an ice cream. I used to live in Bridgnorth so it was a nice change for me to go back there.  When I go shopping a lot of the places I go are …


Beautiful Skin in a few Simple Steps

Arbonne Cosmetics
My partner and I both have sensitive skins so when it comes to trying new things on our faces but we thought we would give Arbonne Cosmetic range a try when we were offered. The range has a set of products all used in conjunction with each other to perfect the look of the skin.
The products are;
  • Smoothing Facial Cleanser
  • Regenerating Toner
  • Intensive Renewal Serum
  • Corrective Eye Cream
  • Restorative Day Cream
  • Extra Moisture Resorative Day Cream
  • Night Repair Cream


I found that the process of putting them all on is fairly long but I have gone from no skincare routine to a full one and you could miss some products out if you wanted to.  The products themselves worked excellently and were really good for sensitive skins. The feel of my skin afterwards was amazing and everything worked exactly as it should. You can get your products from Ruth Cochrane on her or by emailing her on

make me skinny by applying fake tan?! yeah!!!

In the run up to the festive seasons with all the Christmas parties around the corner looking pasty and overweight is not the look I will be going for this year! Not because I have been on a mass diet and had a holiday but because I have found the answers to a lot of …


Amazing Sonya products to keep you looking radiant!

Aloe.. The new craze everyone is all about aloe and the great affects and nourishing properties. Is it really as good as it seems?? I got the chance to see for myself- I have never really thought about aloe being in make up or many other products that aren’t after sun! When the lovely Meria …


Rag Rolling- Damage Free Curls

I am always one of those girls who straightens, curls and generally doesn’t look after my hair until it gets to the point of growing it really long and having to chop it all off as its in terrible condition! After this happened last time I decided I would try and look after my hair a …


And Relax… Urban massage Review

Do you feel like your forever on the go?! Yesterday I felt the exact same, I got the train home from London dropped bubba with my mum, drove straight to Birmingham for a works do. So knowing when I arrived I had an Urban Massage booked I was in heaven… Although in true Faye style …