Showing 10 Result(s)
Collaborative parenting

14 Tips for the Perfect Family Film Night

If you’re looking for a relatively cheap way to entertain the kids for an evening then the film night is ideal. I mean, you don’t even have to leave the living room, right? That being the case, here are some tips to help you take your film night to the next level! 1. Pick the …


Ways To Help Spread the Cost of Christmas

Yep the C word is just around the corner! At the end of this week it’s November!! I mean really?! November! How quickly has that flown. I am always organised at Christmas but I’m nowhere near as organised as I usually am- I think it’s due to the fact I am no longer working so …


#MeatMatters Challenge with Britmums

This post is an entry for the #MeatMatters Challenge, sponsored by Simply Beef and Lamb. Learn more about the benefits of cooking and eating beef and lamb along with recipe ideas and inspiration here! As a new mum making quick and easy dinners are a must. I love meat and tend to always have meat …


The insider Blogging world #AD

Being a blogger is interesting and brings a lot of fun, but this workhave many undercurrents and requires some marketing knowledge. Such as gathering of  subscriber’s base, for example. It is necessary for bloggers to do this; at least because sending out a newsletter is a more pleasant way of informing about something than an SMS or even a call with a talking robot or a …


Autumn doesn’t mean pasty and pale!

When I was about 17 I went through a phase where I thought “pale” meant ugly… oh the things you learn when you get older. If pale is ugly then why are people like Kate Winslet known as an “English rose”. I used to use foundation every day but not to make myself a different …


Amazing jobs by amazing people #ThankyouMidwives

7 years ago in august I saw those blue lines on a pregnancy test. After 3 years of fertility treatment, my dreams had come true. Next on the agenda was a world of worry about my baby girl and I didn’t know where to turn. At my booking in appointment my Midwife put my mind …


5 Ways to Save Money Now!

I have learnt a lot of things to do with Money over the last few years. I have been in debt and I have got out of it. Thankfully I am now far more money savvy than I used to be. So I am going to share my 5 tips to save money now. Head …


Creating a Child Friendly Garden

Creating a child-friendly garden is important in a busy family home. Getting the little ones outdoors for some fresh air on those rare sunny days will do them good. Check out my top tips to childproof your garden: Fake grass Providing the perfect landing for tips and falls, fake grass is cushioned to avoid any …


Tips from the Experts Organising a Children’s Event

Organising children’s events is surprisingly hard work, and take a lot of planning to make sure everyone is happy, safe and entertained. If it’s just a couple of friends getting together with their tots, that’s one thing, but if you’re organising a bigger event, maybe even a public one, things can get a bit stressful …


Spend Less On What You Need, Get More Of What You Want

Life purchases are separated into two different groups. There are things we want and things we need. Sometimes, of course, these two types of purchases intersect but for the most part, we are often disappointed when we can’t afford luxuries because we need to buy necessities. So, what’s the answer? Well, you should consider the …