Showing 15 Result(s)

Soft Surfaces- Playground problems!

A garden when you have a child is a minefield between trying to get the balance between kid friendly and nice to look at and sit in as an adult. We are quite lucky as we have two areas to our garden as it goes around the side of our house. Only problem is that …


Summer, Parties and BBQ Foods!

Summer- The season of BBQ’s. Not only have we taken this as have as many BBQ’s as possible but we have also thrown in family parties too. My partner Matt is a huge foodie, he loves food, cooking and buying the ingredients. I am a bit useless with food to be honest. I don’t have …

Fertility Files

Should you tell your baby they were IVF?

A question I am asked a lot is would I tell Erin she was IVF? Well of course I will, i hate the fact that IVF is seen as a sordid secret by older generations. It doesn’t make Erin any different. In fact it makes her more special. I have had people ask me if …


Alternative Milestone Cards for Mummies!

Have you seen all of the cutesy babies with milestone cards on Instagram and Facebook? I love them and think they are great for photo albums and memories. I wanted in on the action. Pudding and Chop’s kindly asked me to review their Alternative cards for mummies I was super excited. I was intrigued to …

Fertility Files

Fertility and Polycystic Ovaries- Your questions answered

Disclaimer- I have asked a group of people from both blogging groups and fertility groups to try and let me answer their queries with regards to fertility and PCOS. I am not in any way a doctor and I am speaking from past experiences. If you have any questions medically then you need to consult …