
Num Nom’s Surprise!

I think that every little girl around Erin’s age loves surprise toys. When I say surprise toys I mean kinder eggs and the like.Now things like kinder eggs are becoming old hat in the world of 5-year-olds.

So move aside there are new toys In town! Num Nom’s are little characters that have taken the surprise world by storm.Especially the new surprise jars. So when we were asked if we would like to review one I jumped at the chance.First impressions: Erin jumped up and down like a crazy Lady and exclaimed how much she loves Num Nom’s! Apparently watching them on youtube has given her all the Information she needs!The jar that the surprise came in was plastic and resembled a cup with straws. Erin couldn’t wait to get it out as you can see but did need a little help! Once she had got it out it was a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. We got Sara S’mores. She smells of chocolate and not the horrid plastic chocolate smell that you sometimes get toys.Conclusion:Erin has been hugging and sniffing Sara S’mores ever since! She’s a quite cute plushie. Even better the mason jar thatcame in doubles up as a money box or toy storage, that’s perfect for Erin as we are forever needing toys storage.

We just need to collect them all now! If you want to collect Num Nom’s Surprise Jars, they are available at all good toy stores.