
Does working part time make you a part time mum?

I have just dropped Erin for her first school trip, they had to be in school at normal time so I didn’t make any special arrangements with work, when I got to the playground I found that lots other mummies were waiting for the bus to leave to wave them off. I literally didn’t even know this was normal practice. There is was the heart wrenching pang- mum guilt.

I have talked before about mum guilt but I am convinced this intensifies when your kids go to school and nursery. When Erin started school I was determined that it would always be my face who picked her up every night. I would be the one to see her running out of the school gates. I love that I can do this with the hours I work.


Now Erin goes to school there are so many things that I wish I could do or be at. The church services monthly that the children attend, waving her off on her first school trip, going to both days of the school play and not just one and sitting with the children and hearing them read when volunteers are required.


Ultimately mum guilt is shit. I only work part time and I feel horrendous. Hats off to those parents who work full time. But does is make me think are you classed a part time mum when you work part time, does it affect kids? Do they even notice?


When I was little my mum worked damn hard. I don’t feel like I missed out as a kid and I am not sure I even noticed when she wasn’t there. I hope Erin doesn’t notice and still sends me little cute notes every night. Can’t to hear all about her wonderful day.


One of Erin’s friend’s mums sent me pics of Erin waving at her as she is ace and was giving her a wave off me and text me to tell me she was smiling away and happy! This made me feel so much better so thank you- you know who you are xx