Showing 263 Result(s)

Be Safe with Safesip

If you’re anything like me when we go out for dinner and Erin requests a drink that comes in a glass I squirm thinking about having to be on high alert! She is so clumsy the likely hood of her throwing her drink across the table in one foul swoop is inevitable! When I saw …


Sweet Dreams with Lolly In Sweetie Land

Who doesn’t love sweeties? Especially this close to Christmas! My daughter is sweetie-mad; this is the perfect book for her! The book ‘Lolly in Sweetie Land’ is written in rhyme and has 28 pages of beautiful illustration. The magical story is about a little girl called Lolly who loves all things sweet. One day, Lolly …


A very special Christmas present for little people- Your own story

What more can a child want than to be a part of their very own story that even includes their hometown and their best friend!? We were overcome with excitement when our Very Own Story landed on our doorstep! Stacey Kelly the founder of this amazing book decided to leave her career and a French …


Happy Tokens- they make this mummy happy!!

When living with a Threenager.. Life can become somewhat stressful especially when the classic Diva strop takes over and I have a child throwing herself around the house screaming ‘I want to wear the princess dress’ in this situation what the heck does one do?!  Other times she can be a sweet little angel by …


Make your own teepee review!!

I have always looked at all the beautiful cotton Teepee’s that are on sale all over the internet thinking what a great place for little ones to read books or take outside in the summer… the only downside to these are they are so expensive! The ones I looked at were around £70 and I …


E-Prance Essential Oil Diffuser- Review

I hadn’t heard of Essential oil diffuser’s until we have been lucky enough to be given the chance to review E-Prance Essential Oil Diffuser.  I Love Essential oil’s but had only previously used them in the bath or on my pillow and had not really known what to do with them. I hadn’t realised how popular …


Super Heroes Need super Snacks!!

Super Heroes Need super Snacks!! I have a little wonder woman and trust me she needs substance to fuel the diva strops! We are always in need of snacks that are good on the go and handy to put into our bag and have when out and about.   When our favourite food brand contacted …


Messy Kids…. you need a trip to Messy Me!

I am convinced is it inbred in toddlers and babies to think that messy is fun?! Even to the point where they think that eating their dinner should be some hilariously messy affair that includes smearing spaghetti all over the floor! When Helen at Messy Me offered us the chance to review one of her …


A party fit for a Princess made easy by !

 What does every little girl hope and dream for when it’s her special day… a princess party, nowadays birthday parties are an expensive business.  Once all of the children are invited, you have somewhere to hold it and you have fed and entertained them you are already looking at over £100- without even thinking about …


Disco ball! Halloween Parties & Sensory Play!

When your toddler asks you for a Halloween party and your friend is included in the begging with her toddler… can you say no!? The answer is no you can’t! So we commenced the planning for our first ever Halloween Party! I have never before had or been to a Halloween party as pre child …